Tuesday, October 21, 2014

College basketball

College Basketball ESPN

College basketball is a more interresting to watch then the NBA. Because in the NBA they do whatever they want because they know they're getting paid anyways so therefore won't play their 100%. In College Baketball they're more intense with more technique , and proper defense because they want to proceed to the next level. I just think that the NBA basket-ball should step it up a little bit because if they don't I think that College Basketball is going to take over and who want that.Therefore more people are going to watch College Basketball then the NBA.

Here is a clip of  a College basketball game


  1. Good job Asina I like it Basketball is a very good your blog has so much details and so much pictures and details it actually does interests me because i'm a fan of basketball

  2. I like how you talk about woman in Basketball. i argree with you when you say that college ball is more interesting than Pro ball
